NGIMS data processing requests for the Cornell Science Data Center (SDC) 1) Top priority Insure that data is available to the NGIMS team in exactly the format currently expected by the NGIMS GSE. This will allow the NGIMS team to use the substantial software already developed for processing both science and housekeeping data. Eric Raaen and Florence Tan will work with Brian to insure that this data can be retrieved from the SDC in this format. 2.) Second priority - SDC display of NGIMS Data 2.1) Unit or fractional mass operation Sort counts/IP by source (OS, CS, NT) Tag each data point with MET For a user selected source and MET range allow user to query counts/IP vs MET for (1) a user selected single mass (or fractional mass) value, (2) a user selected set of mass (or fractional mass) values, or (3) a range of unit mass or fractional mass values. Output should be either an ASCII file containing source, mass, MET, counts/IP or a plot of MET on horizontal axis and counts/IP on vertical axis in either linear or log form with labels on the plot for mass and source (option on vertical scale for counts/sec) 2.2) averaging same product as above, but a user selected number of values should be summed before the output files or plots are generated 2.3) Bands (each labeled with a mass RANGE) Same products as in 2.1 and 2.2 with "band" labels instead of "mass" Labels 2.4) Spectra Representative spectra from various points during the flyby will be generated by the NGIMS team and placed on the SDC 2.5) Ephemerides updates Once flyby has occurred, and accurate distance to nucleus vs MET is established, NGIMS database should have the option of displaying all data described above as a function of distance from nucleus with positive values reflecting inbound data and negative distances representing outbound distances 2.6) NGIMS command history vs MET or distance should be displayed for a user selected range of MET or distance values