PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2003-09-30 Cornell:carcich" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-09-30 NOTE = " ABSTRACTS.TXT file for CONTOUR Archive Volume " END_OBJECT END ####### File _ABSTRACTS.TXT_ 32aas_dps2p_encke_paper.ppt 32aas_dps2p_encke_paper.ps This document contains data pertaining to the rotation state of 2P/Encke. 33rd_cospar_spin_state.ppt 33rd_cospar_spin_state.ps This document contains data pertaining to the remote observations of the spin state of a cometary nucleus as it relates to 9P/Tempel 1, 1P/Halley, and 2P/Ecke. lam_model_fits_to_2p_encke.xls lam_model_fits_to_2p_encke.ps It was not possible to obtain definitive descriptions of all versions of each document by the time this archive was closed. Check 1) its name, 2) list.txt or list.asc in the same directory for its orginal name, and 3) other similarly named files in this directory as a clue to its content and meaning. space_craft_encltc.xls space_craft_encltc.ps It was not possible to obtain definitive descriptions of all versions of each document by the time this archive was closed. Check 1) its name, 2) list.txt or list.asc in the same directory for its orginal name, and 3) other similarly named files in this directory as a clue to its content and meaning. spin_state_of_encke.ppt spin_state_of_encke.ps This document contains data pertaining tot he spin state of 2P/Encke. whipple_paper.msw whipple_paper.asc This document compares current opinions of a cometary nucleus and Fred Whipple's study of the cometary mantle. lightcurves_for_luuitt.xls lightcurves_for_luuitt.ps It was not possible to obtain definitive descriptions of all versions of each document by the time this archive was closed. Check 1) its name, 2) list.txt or list.asc in the same directory for its orginal name, and 3) other similarly named files in this directory as a clue to its content and meaning. list.txt This file contains the mapping of Dr. Belton's original naming scheme to PDS-compliant names.