PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2018-03-14 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the ROSETTA-LANDER CONSERT archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation files for the CONSERT archive. The files listed below are found in this directory. DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are reading EAICD_CONSERT.PDF : CONSERT EAICD Issue 3.4 LOGBOOK_*.ASC : Loogbook of the mission phase (not available for ground calibration) RO-OCN-TN-3825.PDF : Consert User Manual - V0-10 RO-OCN-TN-3850.PDF : Consert Stop and Start procedure V1-0 RO-OCN-TN-3851.PDF : Consert Operations requests V1-0 RO-OCN-TN-3067.PDF : Consert Commissioning Report V1-1 RO-OCN-TN-3802.PDF : Consert In-fly operation report V13-0 RO-OCN-TN-3852.PDF : Consert PHC operation report V1-2 RO-OCN-TN-3866.PDF : Consert SDL+FSS operation report V1.3 RO-OCN-TN-3868.PDF : Consert LTS operation report V1.1 RO-OCN-TR-3801.PDF : Consert FMO Flight Model Orbiter Integration and calibration V4-0 RO-OCN-TR-3802.PDF : Consert FSL integration Calibration V9-0 RO-OCN-TR-3805.PDF : FMO-FSL calibration at Kourou V1-1 TIMELINE_MARS.TXT : Timeline ASCII file with the PDS label attached for MARS phase TIMELINE_MARS_DESC.TXT - Description of the timeline file TIMELINE_MARS_PC*.PNG - Timeline of Philae activities TIMELINE_MARS_FLYBY.PNG (image file) for MARS phase The Lander TIMELINE gives an overall picture of the Lander operation over a given period (mission phase).