VIRTIS ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA ROSETTA - VIRTIS Derived Data To Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Document VIR-INAF-IC-008 Issue 1.1 29-01-2020 Prepared by: Romolo Politi Gianrico Filacchione Approved by: Fabrizio Capaccioni 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this EAICD (Experimenter to (Science) Archive Interface Control Document) is two folds. First it provides users of the VIRTIS instrument with detailed description of the derived products and a reference list of the articles in which is explained how they were generated, including data sources and destinations. Secondly, it is the official interface between our instrument team and the archiving authority. 1.2 Archiving Authorities The Planetary Data System Standard is used as archiving standard by * NASA for U.S. planetary missions, implemented by PDS * ESA for European planetary missions, implemented by the Research and Scientific Support Department (RSSD) of ESA 1.2.1 ESA's Planetary Science Archive (PSA) ESA implements an online science archive, the PSA, * to support and ease data ingestion * to offer additional services to the scientific user community and science operations teams as e.g. o search queries that allow searches across instruments, missions and scientific disciplines o several data delivery options as * direct download of data products, linked files and data sets * ftp download of data products, linked files and data sets The PSA aims for online ingestion of logical archive volumes and will offer the creation of physical archive volumes on request. 1.3 Contents This document describes the data flow of the VIRTIS instrument Level 5 data for their insertion into the PSA. It includes information on how data were processed, formatted, labeled and uniquely identified. The document discusses general naming schemes for data volumes, data sets, and data files. Standards used to generate the products are explained. The design of the data set structure and the data product is given. Examples of the data labels are given. 1.4 Intended Readership The staff of the archiving authority (Planetary Science Archive, ESA, RSSD, design team) and any potential user of the VIRTIS data in the scientific community. 1.5 Applicable Documents [AD 1]. Planetary Data System Preparation Workbook, February 1, 1995, Version 3.1, JPL, D-7669, Part1 [AD 2]. Planetary Data System Standards Reference, August 3, 2003, Version 3.6, JPL, D-7669, Part 2 [AD 3]. Rosetta Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan, January 10, 2006, RO-EST-PL- 5011 [AD 4]. Rosetta Archive Conventions, January 10, 2006, RO-EST-TN-3372 [AD 5]. Planetary Science Data Dictionary, Revision D, JPL D-7116, July 15, 1996 [AD 6]. VIRTIS Data Archive Format, April 29, 2002, VIR-ORS-RS-1146, Version 3.4 [AD 7]. Update to VIRTIS Rosetta Archive Format, July 20, 2006, VIR-ORS-RS-2251, Issue 2.5 [AD 8]. VIRTIS EAICD, VIR-INAF-007, January, 2020, issue 4.8 1.6 Relationships to Other Interfaces The Maps (Level 5 data) described in this document were generated from calibrated data cubes [AD 8]; changes in the calibration process could affect the Level 5 data. Any future reprocessing of the data, for whatever reason, even if the labels are not affected, that will have an impact on the Level 5 data shall be described and new version of the Maps, when published, will be added and described in this document. 1.7 Acronyms and Abbreviations EDR: Experimental Data Record EGSE: Electrical Ground Support Equipment MTP: Medium Term Plan STP: Short Term Plan 1.8 Contact Names and Addresses * INAF-IAPS, Romolo Politi, +39 06 4993 4710, * INAF-IAPS, Gianrico Filacchione, +39 06 4993 4454, 2 Overview of Data Handling Process and Product Generation 2.1 Data Handling Process Table 2-1 describes the VIRTIS data processing levels as used in this document. The archive contains the DDR (level 5) data. |----------------|------------------------------------------------------| | Processing | PRODUCT_TYPE Description | | Level ID | | | (CODMAC level) | | |----------------|------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | UDR Raw data that have been separated by instrument| | | and sorted by orbit number. Contains all TM | | | from VIRTIS (science and housekeeping data). | |----------------|------------------------------------------------------| | 2 | EDR PDS formatted data, including decompressed | | | science data, housekeeping selection, and | | | geometry data. Science data are still in DN. | |----------------|------------------------------------------------------| | 3 | RDR Science data calibrated in physical units | | | (radiance) + timing as OBT | |----------------|------------------------------------------------------| | 5 | DDR High-level derived product such as | | | distribution maps... | |----------------|------------------------------------------------------| Table 2-1: Data level definition. 2.2 Data Description In this data volume are present maps of selected spectral marker or Spectral Indicators. These parameters helps considerably in reducing the dimensionality of the data, hence their analysis, still preserving the relevant information contained in the spectra. As all the maps that will be injected into PSA as Level 5 products will only be those contained in published papers, the details for the derivation of the Spectral Indicators will be provided in the paper themselves. However, as we have identified a limited number of typology of spectral markers which will be used, here below we provide a brief description of the full set of the possible spectral markers (or Spectral Indicators) and their potential relevance for the data interpretation. Should the need arise for new Spectral Indicators the present document will be updated and their description added. - TP Temperature; this represent the surface temperature as derived from the IR radiance in the 4-5 um range. Details of the Bayesian approach adopted for the derivation of the Surface Temperature are given in Tosi, F. et al. Thermal measurements of dark and bright surface features on Vesta as derived from Dawn/VIR. Icarus 240, 36 - 57 (2014). - EM Emissivity; this is the emissivity of the surface in the range 4-5 um; the emissivity is derived as a byproduct of the application of the algorithm adopted for the retrieval of the surface temperature. - BA Band Area; for a given identified absorption feature we can calculate 4 descriptive parameters (Area, Depth, Centre wavelength and skewedness, or asymmetry) which are correlated to specific information; the Band Area is derived according to the formula in [IMAGE002]. This in fact represent the area contained under the continuum, calculated as a linear fit of the reflectance between the two wavelengths located at the shoulders of the band indicated as a and b in the formula (see also Raponi et al. The temporal evolution of exposed water-ice-rich areas on the surface of 67P/CG: spectral analysis, MNRAS 2016). - BD Band Depth; the standard definition of the band depth follows the formula: BD = 1 - Rb/Rc Where Rb is the reflectance of the band at the minimum of the absorption (after removal of the continuum), and Rc is the reflectance of the continuum at the same wavelength. The BD is a measure of the abundance of absorbers in the soil. - BC Band Centre; The Band Centre is calculated, after continuum removal, as the position of the minimum of a polynomial fit to the band shape. The continuum is calculated interpolating the reflectances at the two wavelengths located at the shoulders of the band. The BC is related to the composition of the surface. - BS band Skewness; the skewness is an evaluation of the asymmetry of the band using the same polynomial fit used for the BC. - SL Spectral Slope; Spectral slopes are calculated as the linear fit to a portion of the spectrum between two specified start and stop wavelengths. - AL Albedo; this is the absolute reflectance (photometrically corrected) at a given wavelength. - BR Band Ratio; this is the ratio between the area of two different bands and is used to evaluate the abundance ratio of specific compounds. - WI Water Ice abundance; this is derived as a best fit, using a radiative transfer model, to the measured reflectance of a mixtures of various end-members (pure components of the mixtures) for which the optical constants are known. All the geometric data are computed using the shape mode 5 (cg-scp-shap5-V1.1_Cedric.TPC) The algorithms used to produce the maps and a deep discussion on the various parameters represented in the maps and their scientific significance are described in the scientific publication from which they were extracted. The reference to the publication itself is reported in the label file. The full set of references to the publication used is reported in the REF.CAT file in the CATALOG folder. 2.3 Data Format The maps in this volume are in table format. This is an unusual format for a map, but the comet shape is also unusual. For the time being we used the standard approach of cylindrical projection with lat/lon coordinates, however due to the peculiar shape of the comet, we can have different point with the same lat/lon coordinates, especially near the Neck region. For this reason, we are working to generate maps not related to the lat/lon coordinate system but expressed in terms of ortogonal coordinates X,Y,Z, relating each map to the adopted shape model. For the above reason in the present dataset we adopted a format which will be compatible with the final format of the maps. 3 Archive Format and Content This section describes the features of the VIRTIS Derived Product Archive volumes, including the file names, file contents, and file types, which apply to VIRTIS Derived Data Sets. More details on the data sets are provided in Section 4. 3.1 Format and Conventions 3.1.1 Deliveries and Archive Volume Format Delivery of data from the VIRTIS team to the PSA for archiving is done through Internet, using the PVV tool, according to the release concept described in [AD 3]. In conformity with guidelines also provided in [AD 3], data are organized so that one VIRTIS data set will coincide with a single logical volume. An example is shown in Table 3-1. |----------------------------------------|-----------------------| | Data Set Name | Volume ID | |----------------------------------------|-----------------------| | ROSETTA-ORBITER 67P VIRTIS 5 MAPS V1.0 | ROVIR_3007 | |----------------------------------------|-----------------------| Table 3-1: VIRTIS Data Sets and corresponding Volume ID's example. 3.1.2 Data Set ID Formation The value of this keyword is formed following the PDS rules and the Rosetta archive conventions as written in[AD 4]. For each delivery, the raw data from a mission phase will be found in a dataset. An example is shown in Table 3-2 |----------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | Data Set Name | Data Set ID | |----------------------------------------|-----------------------------| | ROSETTA-ORBITER 67P VIRTIS 5 MAPS V1.0 | RO-C-VIRTIS-5-67P-MAPS-V1.0 | |----------------------------------------|-----------------------------| Table 3-2: VIRTIS Data Set ID's example. 3.1.3 Data Directory Naming Convention The /data directory is structured in subdirectories potentially containing different types of products. At the moment only the MAP subdirectory is implemented. The products are split in two sub folder to divide the product coming from VIRTIS-M and from VIRTIS-H: /data/MAP/VIRTIS_M: contains maps derived by VIRTIS-M Datasets; /data/MAP/VIRTIS_H: contains maps derived by VIRTIS-H Datasets; It must be noted that so far only VIRTIS-M L5 data are available and placed in these directories 3.1.4 Filenaming Convention The data are named using the following format: __