Magdalena Ridge Raw Data Collection Overview Data Abstract ============= We obtained images of the (65803) Didymos system and supporting calibration images with the MRO2K CCD on the MRO 2.4m Telescope at the Magdalena Ridge Observatory (MRO). These images were taken in order to determine the orbit period of Dimorphos, the satellite of Didymos. This collection consists of the Magdalena Ridge raw images, which include sky frames of Didymos, comparison star fields, and standard star calibration fields, as well as PNGs identifying the calibration stars used for photometric processing. Data Set Overview ================= The visible-wavelength, direct-imaging CCD for the MRO 2.4-meter Telescope is an Andor iKon-L 936, and is identified as "MRO2K". The MRO2K instrument is a 2048 x 2048 array with 13.5 um^2 pixels combined to deliver a 27.6 x 27.6 mm active image area. The CCD is TE cooled down to -85°C. The CCD images are a 4.5 arc minute square field of view with 13.5-micron pixels. The unbinned detector provides a pixel scale of 0.13 arcsec/pixel. The chip is commonly binned at 2x2 (0.26 arcsec/pixel) or 4x4 (0.52 arcsec/pixel). The chip is linear up to 65k ADU at the default gain of 1.9 e-/ADU with a read noise is 3.5 ADU per pixel. The CCD quantum efficiency is 90% from 475-700 nm and dropping to ~50% at 400 and 900 nm. Dual filter wheels in the CCD camera light path provide 12 filter slots. The facility filters currently available are Johnson-Cousins UBVRI, and a broad VR filter that provides >80% transmission from 500-700 nm. Raw image data includes sky frames of Didymos, comparison star fields, and standard star calibration fields. For each comparison field image there is an associated PNG image of comparison stars used for the photometric solution. A reference to the comparison star PNG is included in the XML label for each raw image file containing the comparison field image. A reference to the comparison star PNG is also included in the XML label for the photometry table (see data_mroddp). Naming Convention ================= Raw images consist of a single fits file containing the raw image and an associated XML file. They are named according to the following convention. .. where: is the product type; "m" for raw data, "fm" for processed (calibrated) data is the year, month, day of the observing session in UT is a four-digit image counter for observing session starting at 0001, reset for each night of observation is the file extension. ".fits" for FITS file format, ".xml" for the PDS4 XML label Ex. m210413.0036.fits is the raw image product for a 2021-04-13 observing session. It is the 36th image generated on that UT date. Comparison star PNGs are named according to the following convention. comps_.png where: is the year, month, day of the observing session in UT